Well, yesterday was the four week mark! Right now it seems like a lot longer, not in a bad way, it is just that a whole lot has gone on in that four weeks. I started the week with all kinds of energy, but by seven o' clock last night my brain was gone. As I mentioned the area Dr.has been back in the states having surgery and getting chemotherapy and the area nurse finished her mission two weeks ago. When the nurse left, she left the keys to the medical office (two floors below my office) with the guard at the entrance to the building. I had been down a couple of times to get meds. One time I had just got into the office when a knock came on the outer door. It was an elder and his companion. He said he had been sick with what he thought was strep throat and had been told to see me. I told him I thought there was a mistake, but he said, "No, they said to go see Sister Memmott". He looked pretty sick. So, I looked in his throat and he had an bad case of strep. I gave him 10 days worth of Amoxycillin and sent him back to his mission which is about the same distance as from Provo to Ogden.
That was just the beginning of the saga of the medical office. Two days later I had a missionary coming in who travels from the same outlying mission. This missionary has had some severe anxiety that has brought on overwhelming OCD. It has really surprised him because he was a star student and athlete and has never had anything like this happen. We are treating him with some pretty high doses of medication which is now interfering with his sleep. So I went to get the key from the guard so I could get something for his sleep. The guard informed me Bro. Heaton, executive secretary to the area presidency, had taken the key because too many people where getting into the office. It ended up that I couldn't find the Heatons to get the key. By chance, I found out one of the missionaries who is working in the East mission office (next door to the medical office) had some benedryl he is taking for allergies. So, I gave the elder who had come to see me some of that benedryl and told him to cut the dosage back on his other med. Needless to say, I was frustrated over the whole key thing.
Yeaterday morning I knew I was going to be seeing a fairly new elder who is is having sleeping problems as well as gastrointestinal problems. He couldn't make it in from his mission until around six in the evening after every one is gone from the main offices. So, I found Bro. Heaton and let him know it was impossible to do my job without keys to the medical office. He was very nice about giving me keys, but let me know I was the only person who could have keys. I reminded him I am going to be gone all next week and would give the keys to him for the week I am gone. So, to the end of this story. I was busy all day either on the phone or with people in my office. By six when the new elder,a cute kid from Lehi, came in I was exhausted and in bad need of the weekend to clear my mind. After I talked with him a few minutes and gave him instructions for relaxation and thought stopping, I told him we would go get some meds. for his other problems. Earlier in the day I had called the Dr. in the states to find out how he wanted to treat the intestinal problems. I had written the meds on a note. Well, try as I may I couldn't find either the note or the keys to the medical office. I hunted and hunted, then the elder helped me hunt. Nothing! Finally, the elder said, "Sister, would you like to say a prayer?" I agreed we should pray and asked him to say a prayer. As he prayed an amazingly sweet, calm feeling came into the room. Afterward, I went and got my purse out of the closet and as we went through it together again, there were the keys. However, I still couldn't find the note. Finally, I said I thought I could remember the meds once I got looking at the labels downstairs, but as I passed my desk on the way out,I flipped open the little notebook I usually carry in my purse and there was the note. A little thing in the grand scheme of life, but pretty amazing that the Lord cared enough to let us know He heard our prayer.
It is Saturday and I have not left my apartment. In fact, it is 5PM and I am still in my fuzzy pajamas. I have been finishing up somethings on the powerpoint, answering e-mail from a mission president and writing to the family. I decided to just make that e-mail into my blog for today since I want to remember these things. I was going to go out and take some pictures, but am in too much of a hermit mode for that---maybe tomorrow.